Tag Archives: EDITTABLE

EditTables – The CELLPOSCHANGED event

OpenInsight 10.2 adds a new event called CELLPOSCHANGED to the EDITTABLE control. This is effectively the same as the normal POSCHANGED event but with the addition of an extra parameter called “ContextFlags” that provides more information on why the event was raised.

bForward = CELLPOSCHANGED( CtrlEntID,   |
                           CtrlClassID, |
                           NextColumn,  |
                           NextRow,     |
                           ContextFlags )

ContextFlags is a simple bitmask integer that contains the following flags:

Bit Flag ValueDescription
0x00000001If set then the cell position was changed via a keystroke.
0x00000002If set then the cell position was changed via the mouse.

Equates for these flags can be found in the PS_EDITTABLE_EQUATES insert record:

Equ PS_EDT_CTF_NONE$         To 0x00000000;
Equ PS_EDT_CTF_KEYSTROKE$    To 0x00000001;
Equ PS_EDT_CTF_MOUSECLICK$   To 0x00000002;

Example – testing to see if the position (CARETPOS) was changed via a mouse click:

$Insert PS_EditTable_Equates

If BitAnd( ContextFlags, PS_EDT_CTF_MOUSECLICK$ ) Then
   // CARETPOS was changed by using the mouse.

Notes on using the CELLPOSCHANGED event

  1. The default promoted system CELLPOSCHANGED event handler performs the same processing as the default promoted system POSCHANGED event handler (i.e. data validation and required checking etc).
  2. If a CELLPOSCHANGED event handler is defined by the developer then a standard POSCHANGED event will not be raised.
  3. To preserve backwards compatibility with existing applications the default promoted system CELLPOSCHANGED event will not be compiled into a control if there is no CELLPOSCHANGED quick event handler. This is to ensure that POSCHANGED is always executed if CELLPOSCHANGED has not been explicitly set for a control by the developer.
  4. CELLPOSCHANGED is available in OpenInsight 10.2 from the Beta 3 release onwards.

EditTables – Getting multi-select data the easy way

In previous versions of OpenInsight the usual way of accessing data from a multi-row select EditTable control was to get the SELPOS property and then iterate over the data pulling out the rows, e.g. something like this (not optimized, but you get the idea):

   SelPos   = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SELPOS" )
   DataList = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "LIST" )
   SelList  = ""

   SelRows  = SelPos<2>
   SelCount = FieldCount( SelRows, @Vm )  
   For SelIdx = 1 To SelCount
      SelRow = SelRows<0,SelIdx>
      SelList<-1> = DataList<SelRow>

However, in OpenInsight 10 we added a couple of new properties that allow you to access data in a multi-row select EditTable in a faster and more efficient way. These are:

  • The SELLIST property
  • The SELARRAY property

Both of these return data in the familiar LIST and ARRAY formats, but they only return data from the selected rows, thereby saving you the step of accessing SELPOS and iterating over the data yourself. So, to rewrite the example above we can now do this:

   SelList = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SELLIST" )

Likewise, to return the data in ARRAY format we would use the SELARRAY property like so:

   SelArray = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SELARRAY" )

Ergo, when asked the other day “What’s the fastest way of getting data from a specific column from the selected rows”, the answer was:

   SelData = Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "SELARRAY" )<colNum>

(And this question is also what led me to write this post…)

Bonus Trivia

The LISTBOX control also supports the SELLIST property.

EditTables – The Sub-Object Interface

One of the changes we wanted to make with EditTables in v10 was to expose all of their runtime functionality easily through the normal property/method API.  Some of this was already available in previous versions, but usually involved a method to set a plethora of style bits, which is not really satisfactory unless you’re a C++ programmer (as we have been reminded by various developers on several occasions!).

Besides the EditTable as a whole, there are essentially three other main programmable areas:

  1. Columns
  2. Rows
  3. Cells

Providing unique properties and methods to address the capabilities of these areas is not really practicable, as it leads to an “explosion” of property names: For example, accessing the “text” associated with each of these would require three new properties such as:


Of course that’s only three, but considering that each of the aforementioned areas has something like 30 properties, you would suddenly add 90+ new property names to the product!  Bear in mind also that columns, rows and cells each have many properties like TEXT in common, so a new name for each of these seems extremely wasteful and unnecessary.

(We could also have used something similar like the existing TEXTBYPOS method to achieve this, but then we’d have 30’ish new “BYPOS” methods instead, and methods aren’t properties anyway).

So, to keep the property namespace under control we decided to use this commonality and implement a set of  “sub-objects” instead, one for each area.  Unsurprisingly these are named:

  • ROWS
  • CELLS  

Each of these sub-objects are indexed and can be used to access a specific column, row or cell in the EditTable.  They all share many common properties and methods, but also expose a few type-specific ones as well.   As an example, this is how to set the CUEBANNER property for each sub-object:

ctrlEntID  = @window : ".EDT_TEST"
cueBanner  = "Test"

// Set the CUEBANNER for the second column
call set_Property( ctrlEntID : ".COLUMNS", "CUEBANNER", cueBanner, 2 )
// Set the CUEBANNER for the third row
call set_Property( ctrlEntID : ".ROWS", "CUEBANNER", cueBanner, 3 )

// Set the CUEBANNER for the cell at column 5, row 7
call set_Property( ctrlEntID : ".CELLS", "CUEBANNER", cueBanner, 5 : @fm : 7 )

// And here's the same using Object Notation Syntax
@ctrlEntID.columns{2}->cueBannner = cueBanner
@ctrlEntID.rows{3}->cueBannner    = cueBanner
@ctrlEntID.cells{5,7}->cueBannner = cueBanner

We’ll take a look at each of these sub-objects in turn over the next few posts to examine their functionality in more detail.


EditTables – The new “CELL” events

The OpenInsight EditTable has always supported a set of cell-related common events that are fired when a user interacts with the control:

  • CHAR

In order to process these events properly however, it is necessary to know which cell they relate to, and this can ostensibly be found by using the NOTIFYPOS property, which is set to the position of the cell that raised the event.

In theory this approach works well, but in practice it can exhibit problems:  Events in OpenInsight are nearly always raised in an asynchronous fashion, which means that if two of those events where executed in quick succession for different cells, then NOTIFYPOS could be set to the position of the second cell, before the Basic+ event handler could process the event for the first cell, thereby leading to incorrect results.

In order to handle this better the EditTable now supports a series of corresponding “CELL” events:


The only difference here is that these events pass the indexes of the cell that raised them as arguments to the event handler, thereby preserving their origin accurately.

E.g. The signature for the old CHANGED event looks like this:

Function Changed( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, NewData )

Whilst the signature for the CELLCHANGED event looks like this:

Function CellChanged( CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, ColNum, RowNum, NewData )

Note that when a “CELL” event is defined the EditTable will non longer raise the ordinary event to prevent the notification from being processed twice.

(One useful example of the benefits of having the “CELL” events is that you can now use the new CELLCHANGED event for cell validation, rather than the usual POSCHANGED event, due to the fact that you know precisely where the change originated from. You also know that there actually was a change, rather than having to compare the cell’s current contents to it’s GOTFOCUSVALUE to discover this).




EditTables – Deleting and Inserting Rows

Support for deleting and inserting rows in the EditTable control has always been somewhat basic, exposing only minimum functionality that allows you to control how a user inserts or deletes a row in the grid.  We’ve enhanced this for version 10 by providing some fine-grain control over the row insertion and deletion process that we’ll describe below.

Imposing limits

Firstly, a couple of new properties have been implemented that allow you to set limits on the number of rows a user can add or remove from the EditTable via the keyboard: These are the MAXROWLIMIT and MINROWLIMIT properties.


When MAXROWLIMIT is set the user cannot use the Insert key to insert more rows than the number specified by this property.  The default value is “0”, which means there is no maximum limit.   Note that this property does not apply to programmatic INSERT method operations or data set by the LIST or ARRAY properties.


When MINROWLIMIT is set the user cannot use the Delete key to delete EditTable rows once the minimum limit has been reached. The default value is “0”, which means there is no minimum row limit.   Note that this property does not apply to programmatic DELETE method operations or data set by the LIST or ARRAY properties.

Blocking the “Insert” and “Delete” keys

Previous versions of the EditTable allowed you to set a “Protected” property at design time that stopped all row insert and delete operations by the user.  Unfortunately, this was not actually exposed run-time (unless you adjusted a bit-flag the control’s STYLE property), so in version 10 we’ve expanded the old “Protected” property into two new properties called ALLOWROWDELETE and ALLOWROWINSERT.  These can used at both run-time and design-time.


When set to False the user cannot use the Delete key to delete rows within an edit table.  The default value of this property is True.


When set to False the user cannot use the Insert key to insert new rows within an edit table.  The default value of this property is True.

Managing the “Insert” and “Delete” keys

Finally, we made some changes to the way the actual inserts and deletes take place to give you an opportunity to intercept them for even more control.  In previous versions of OpenInsight the EditTable notified you of an insert or delete operation after it had taken place, via the INSERTROW and DELETEROW events respectively.  This means that if you wanted to ‘prevent’ the modification based on some run-time criteria you had to effectively undo it, which usually included some sort of unpleasant visual effect as the insert or delete was rolled back (it also resulted in a loss of formatting information or other cell-specific data that you would have to reapply).

In version 10 we’ve added a new Boolean property called ROWEVENTMODE. When set to False (the default) row insertion and deletion via the keyboard behaves in exactly the same way as previous versions of OpenInsight.  When set to True however, the INSERTROW or DELETEROW event happens before the actual operation takes place, and at this point you can do the following:

  1. If you’re using an EventScript you can return FALSE$ and the operation will be cancelled.
  2. If you’re using a code called from a QuickEvent you can set the EventStatus flag in your code to prevent the operation from proceeding further, just as you would currently do in a WINDOW CLOSE event to cancel it.


E.g. Stopping a row being deleted in a DELETEROW EventScript handler.

// Assumes "RowEventMode" is "True" 
// Check to see if there is anything in column 2 of the deleted data,
// and if so stop the delete via the event return value. 

$insert logical
if bLen( rowData<2> ) then
   // Stop the delete
   retVal = FALSE$
end else
   retVal = TRUE$

return retVal


E.g. Stopping a row being deleted in a DELETEROW QuickEvent handler

// Assumes "RowEventMode" is "True" 
// Check to see if there is anything in column 2 of the deleted data,
// and if so stop the delete via the Event Status 

$insert logical 
if bLen( rowData<2> ) then
   // Stop the delete
   call set_EventStatus( TRUE$ )


Of course, once you’ve allowed the Insert or Delete operation to take place you may also want to do some post-processing, and for this we’ve provided two new events: INSERTEDROW and DELETEDROW.  These have the same signature as their INSERTROW and DELETEROW counterparts and are executed after the row modification has taken place (Note that these are only fired if the ROWEVENTMODE is True).

It is also worth noting that, as with previous versions of OpenInsight, using the DELETE and INSERT methods to programatically modify the EditTable contents will not trigger the INSERTROW or DELETEROW events (or any subsequent INSERTEDROW and DELETEDROW events either).


One of the requirements we needed when developing the new IDE was the ability to detect when the state of a control changed in such a fashion that might affect the operations that could be performed on it.

A classic example of this is highlighting text in an edit control so that it can be cut or copied, or perhaps replaced with a paste operation: At this point an item like a Cut or a Paste button might need enabling so the UI is in sync with the state of the control.

To enable this functionality several controls now support a new event called EDITSTATECHANGED, which is fired when the “edit state” is changed.  The edit state is defined as one of the following operations:

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Select All

So, if a user takes an action in the control that enables or disables one of these options you can respond to it via the EDITSTATECHANGED event.

The EDITSTATECHANGED event passes a single parameter called “EditState“, which is a dynamic array of Boolean flags with the following structure:

<1> CanUndo      : TRUE$ if the control allows an UNDO operation
<2> CanRedo      : TRUE$ if the control allows a REDO operation
<3> CanCut       : TRUE$ if the control allows a CUT operation
<4> CanCopy      : TRUE$ if the control allows a COPY operation
<5> CanPaste     : TRUE$ if the control allows a PASTE operation
<6> CanSelectAll : TRUE$ if the control allows a SELECTALL 
                 : operation

(You may notice that these flags closely follow the items in a standard “Edit” menu).

Here’s a simple example to set the state of some Cut/Copy/Paste buttons:

   objxArray =        @window : ".BTN_CUT"
   propArray =        "ENABLED"
   dataArray =        editState<0,3>

   objxArray := @rm : @window : ".BTN_COPY"
   propArray := @rm : "ENABLED"
   dataArray := @rm : editState<0,4>
   objxArray := @rm : @window : ".BTN_PASTE"
   propArray := @rm : "ENABLED"
   dataArray := @rm : editState<0,5>

   call Set_Property_Only( objxArray, propArray, dataArray )

The following controls support the EDITSTATECHANGED event:


(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).

(EDIT: 8th May 2018 – Variable name changed from NewEditState to EditState to match released version)

Sorting in EditTables

In previous versions of OpenInsight, EditTable sorting has been implemented by the SORTEDCOL property, which simply performs a Quicksort on a single column and then only on the visible text contained in each cell.  This latter trait is particularly sub-optimal because it pays no attention to the actual type of data represented in the cell itself; for example, if you wish to sort on a column containing dates, you usually have to write code to convert the data to a numeric format first, and then pass the results onto the V119 sort function, all of which gets tedious very quickly.

In OpenInsight 10 the SORTEDCOL property has been deprecated and has been replaced by the new SORT method detailed below:

The SORT method

This method allows you to perform a multi-column sort on an EditTable, along with the ability to convert the data to an appropriate format before the sort takes place.

Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "SORT", SortCriteria, SortOptions )

The method takes two parameters.  The first, SortCriteria, which is a dynamic array structured as follows:

<0,1> @svm'd list of column numbers to sort by
<0,2> @svm'd list of sorting directions/justifications for each column 
      passed in field <0,1>.  Available values are:

         0 - Descending Left
         1 - Ascending Left
         2 - Descending Right
         3 - Ascending Right

<0,3> @svm'd list of ICONV patterns used to convert the column data to its
      internal format before the sort takes place.

The default ICONV pattern used for sorting a column is taken from it’s VALID property.  This means that you can flag a column as a date (e.g. “DE”) in the Form Designer, and have it sort properly in a numeric fashion without any extra coding needed.

The second parameter, SortOptions, is a dynamic array structured as follows:

<1> If TRUE$ then perform a trim operation before the sort takes place, or
    FALSE$ to prevent the trim. If this field is null then the SORTTRIM 
    property is used to decide if a trim operation takes place.

(A trim operation is the removal of “blank” rows from the EditTable control.  A description of trim functionality will appear in a future post).

Using the SORT method triggers a new event called SORTED:

The SORTED event

This event takes the same parameters as passed to the SORT method described above.  This event is fired before any sorting takes place, thereby giving you the chance to modify the criteria or options, or even prevent it by using the Set_EventStatus() function.  All event script and QuickEvent handlers are processed before sorting.


This is another new property for EditTable controls and can be set to one of the following values:

  • 0 (Disabled – this is the default value)
  • 1 (Sort on single-click)
  • 2 (Sort double-click)

When set to to 1 or 2, clicking or double-clicking on a column header will automatically sort the contents of the control by that column, in a similar manner to Popup entity sorting.  The SORTED event is still raised in the manner described above however, so you may still intercept and modify the process if you wish.

The SORTTRIM property

When set to TRUE a sort operation automatically performs a trim operation before sorting.  This property can be overridden by passing a flag in the SORT method SortOptions parameter described above.

We hope these improvements make sorting in EditTables a little less onerous.


[EDIT: 27 Sep 15, Updated for SortOptions argument and SORTTRIM property]

[EDIT: 17 Nov 15, Updated for COLHEADERSORTINGMODE property]

(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).